Dear Educator
Sara Radford
an infographic created as part of Dr. Erchull’s General Psychology course (Fall 2021)
Students were asked to “give psychology away” through an infographic designed to tell the truth behind a myth related to psychology research and/or theory
TOPIC: don’t change your answers on multiple-choice tests
AUDIENCE: faculty at UMW who teach 100-level courses

ilienfeld, S. O., Lynn, S. J., Ruscio, J., & Beyerstein, B. L. (2010). 50 great myths of popular psychology. Wiley-Blackwell.
Your visual was really easy to read and to the point! I’m wondering if the studies tended to use the same types of classes (e.g. psychology classes). Do you think there would be any difference between disciplines in how accurate gut feelings are? For example, would questions pertaining to arts and humanities be more likely to lend themselves to intuition than lab sciences? Also, did the studies look at only multiple choice questions or should this advice be given for essay questions as well? Thanks for sharing this bit of psychology with us!