Department of Psychological Science
University of Mary Washington
Mercer Hall
1301 College Avenue
Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401
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Contact Dr. Mindy Erchull:
Good job! What was your manipulation check? And, do you believe that your manipulation successfully induced the mood you wanted?
Great presentation of your work! I know you had non-significant findings, but I am curious if the results you obtained would change your hypothesis if you were to do the experiment again with a larger sample.
Very well done, and extremely interesting topic! Beyond sample size, what do you think would be your next step if the study was continue? Would you include more genres beyond instrumental, or keep it strictly to where it was in this study?
Nice presentation! I really appreciated how detailed your poster was, it made every variable and aspect of your work very clear. I really think that if you had a larger sample size you would have found significant results. It would be interesting to see this study done on the effects of these types of music on studying and productivity! We know that classical music is good for studying, but are there other types that are good for studying as well? Does listening to angry music while studying have an affect on productivity?