Department of Psychological Science
University of Mary Washington
Mercer Hall
1301 College Avenue
Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401
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Bystander Effect is really useful to know about and it is interesting to think about how we do a cost/benefit analysis before deciding when to help. Thanks for sharing your knowledge about this topic. You mentioned Kitty Genovese as a prime example of the bystander effect. Some have recently questioned if this case is a good example as it appears that several people did indeed call the police when they heard Kitty scream. Did you run across any of this information in your research?
The bystander effect has always fascinated me because it seems impossible! It is really hard to imagine not doing something simply because you assume others may be doing something. I had never heard of the 5 steps method however, that is very useful and perhaps should be taught about more often. Great presentation.