Department of Psychological Science
University of Mary Washington
Mercer Hall
1301 College Avenue
Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401
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I remember learning about the over justification effect back when I was in college – the idea has definitely stuck with me for a long time! What a great thing to get teenage athletes to think about as I’m sure it’s hard for them to understand what motivates them to do a sport (or play an instrument or join a club).
It was interesting to learn the differences between internal and external motivation .I like your examples of each, they help convey the difference between the two. I think focusing on specifically athletes was a good Idea to see what keeps them motivated. I wonder if there would be different motivational pressures if the focus was on non-athletes?
Hi Ashley! This is a great infographic. As an abnormal psychology student I found myself able to apply these two types of motivation to the disorders and behaviors we learned in our class. The overjustification effect was a super interesting inclusion, I hadn’t heard anything about that. Great job!
I really like the format of the infographic, the organization style seems well thought out! Great information and very relatable! Kudos!!