Department of Psychological Science
University of Mary Washington
Mercer Hall
1301 College Avenue
Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401
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Thomas, this is clearly written and visually effective! You manage to cover a lot of important information very concisely.
You mention that up to 55% of what we take away from a conversation is based on nonverbal communication. I don’t doubt that, but I would be curious to know how researchers measure that.
I like that you addressed the importance of NV behavior when we are meeting a new roommate. Does it become less important once we’ve known someone for a long time?
Hi Thomas,
I was especially interested in learning about regulators. It was interesting to learn about the positive and negative nonverbal cues. Because of this I can now better look for those nonverbal features and try to figure out a someones emotions. Do you think that those regulators are subconsciously controlled based on someones emotion or are they always under our concous control?