Department of Psychological Science
University of Mary Washington
Mercer Hall
1301 College Avenue
Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401
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Contact Dr. Mindy Erchull:
Good job, Sydney! I think this is definitely a good place to start for parents to be reminded of what their children are going through. While we were all at that age once, we may have struggled ourselves making it hard to know how to help a child. Do you think adolescents could be helped by parents talking about their struggles through puberty?
Great Job! I liked your choice to focus on the parents instead of directly to the teen. This will help educate parents to make choices that are in their child’s best intrest. A teen’s self-esteem is an important aspect for a parent to be aware of and knowing that it will be influenced by puberty, should be on a parents radar when their kids reach adolescence. Do you think adolescence would benefit from reading this as well?