Department of Psychological Science
University of Mary Washington
Mercer Hall
1301 College Avenue
Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401
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Contact Dr. Mindy Erchull:
Thanks for sharing this information. As a non-clinician, I wasn’t aware of the ongoing debate as to whether there should be subtypes under the narcissism diagnosis. Given the research you did for this project, what’s your perspective? Should the DSM include subtypes, should it not include subtypes, or is more research still needed?
Great presentation! I didn’t know that NPD could even be classified into subgroups; I always thought that everyone with NPD was generally the same. In terms of treatment, do you think that treating each subtype would look different? If so, what forms of treatment would be most effective for either?
Hi! I really enjoyed your presentation, especially because I didn’t have any prior knowledge about narcissistic personality disorder. It made me wonder about the reasons behind each subgroup, and how they may have been caused earlier in life.