Department of Psychological Science
University of Mary Washington
Mercer Hall
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Nice work! Do you think that the kind of social media use matters? I think that some social media like reddit might have less of an effect than Instagram or YouTube? How about content? There does seem to be a lot of food pictures on Instagram.
Very interesting! I like that your group looked at both body dissatisfaction and disordered eating behaviors. Do you think that if you used a sample size of younger individual (high school students) that you may have found more significant results?
Nice job!
Great work! It must be difficult with this type of study to go beyond correlational research. Dr. Rettinger mentioned that there is a lot of food pictures on Instagram, but my Instagram feed is filled with photos of yarn, cross stitch patterns, and feminist topics. We both consume and create our social media exposure. Are there any studies that look at people’s choices as to whom they follow, given their body image?
Good job! Your results were quite interesting. Do you think that if you were to narrow down the type of social media (e.g., TikTok, Facebook, Instagram vs. Tumblr, Twitter) would produce different results? Also, perhaps if the subject pool were high school students the results would be different as well.
I like the topic you chose on the effects of social media usage on body dissatisfaction and disordered eating. I had previously heard of a correlation between the variables which is why it surprised me that the results of your study indicated that there was not a correlation. I appreciate that you acknowledged the limitations of the study in your discussion section and presentations. I think you did an amazing job!
Thank you so much for presenting. I was surprised that the results were non-significant. I know another study also had results that did not line up with their original hypothesis, and they suggested that might be because participants of the study were not completely honest with their answers due to social expectations. I wonder if this could be the case with your study too, as there is definitely that body dissatisfaction and social media are linked. I also liked that you broke down which social media platforms were used. Well done!
What an interesting topic! It’s a shame that the results were not significant. Since we are already aware of a correlation between social media usage and body dissatisfaction/disordered eating, it would have been fascinating to find that social media usage actually predicts those variables. I imagine it is quite difficult to find a large number of diverse participants who are willing to share such personal information. You did a wonderful job despite those challenges!
Great job with you poster! I thought your study was really interesting and very relevant to today’s day and age. I was very surprised your results were not significant. you were probably right when you said that the issue was likely due to low power. Overall, great job with the study!
I’m honestly surprised by the results! It wasn’t what I expected with them not being significant. I agreed with your hypothesis because of how much of an impact social media has on the lives of individuals. Nonetheless, your study was really interesting and well made! Great job!
Great job on your poster! I was super surprised your findings were not significant. I feel like the use of social media would put a lot of pressure on teenagers and young adults. You are probably right that the number of limitations may have affected the outcome of your findings. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you so much for sharing! This topic is so reverent to our generation/college students. Your hypothesis is something that is often spoken about in academic and non-academic settings. I wonder if the fast-paced environment of social media is another limitation of the study, with how often social medias (especially Instagram and Tik Tok) change with trends. Amazing job!
I was shocked by the results of your study as well, but am almost glad they were not significant because it shows that people shouldn’t live their lives constantly in comparison with those they see on social media. I think it was very relieving to see and warrants an important conversation about body positivity and confidence. Awesome job!
Great presentation! I was shocked at the results not correlating because social media has a great impact when it comes to body dissatisfaction and eating disorders as mentioned in other research I have seen previously. Like you mentioned the results are not generalized therefore some people might not be honest with their answers. Great job again.
Great study! This is a very important topic and I am glad to see it is being investigated. I was shocked to see that the results were not significant, but with the right revisions, I believe this can change your findings. At some point, many people decide to take a step back from social media to care for their own mental well-being. I think that this shows how social media can have a negative impact on many individuals.
Great poster! I definitely think this topic is important so thank you! I really liked how you all included statistical evidence. I was surprised at the results because social media can very much influence body dissatisfaction. You guys did a wonderful job!
This was interesting! The fact there is not a significant relationship between social media and body dissatisfaction or disordered eating. I am interested in what the results would have been with higher validity and power. Great job!
I was so surprised that your results weren’t significant, but I really appreciated your discussion of potential limitations. This was a great topic that’s extremely relevant today. Awesome job!!
Hi everyone! Your study is extremely relevant to society today as social media appears to only be increasing across peoples’ everyday lives. I am a little surprised your results were insignificant. I wonder the type of results you would have yielded if you included examples of various social media feeds, such as an Instagram feed, to see how frequent a social media user sees another persons appearance and compare that with these feelings of body dissatisfaction and disordered eating behaviors. For example, you could have a social media feed with five pictures, and all five are photos of other people. However, since some people may follow pet or other types of accounts, they may not see other peoples appearances as often. So the second feed example may only feature three peoples appearances, and two random photos and a third would only feature one. Social media applications such as Instagram and Tik Tok do typically feature appearances, but since it is dependent on the accounts one follows, I wonder with these potential specifications of the social media participants view, if it could yield stronger correlations to these feelings of body dissatisfaction and disordered eating behaviors. Overall, your study was really interesting and I am sure these variables will be further studied in the future by others!
I am surprised your results were not significant, as, conventionally, people attribute personal dissatisfaction to comparing ourselves with others’ lives and, in this case, bodies, which is often displayed on social media. There is, however, increasing concerns over the algorithm and its tracking of our every move; It would be interesting to question people regarding what they are often recommended on social media, such as on their explore pages. Another issue could have been the lack of a diverse population since it is difficult to acquire such a large one that would give more feedback. Also, the predominantly caucasian and female perspectives probably impacted your results. Again, the algorithms work strangely and definitely show different demographics different content.
I found this topic to be very interesting!! Do you think the results may have been different if the gender identity and racial identity were more diverse? I like that the topic of body image is being talked about more often since it is such a huge issue for adolescents and young adults.
I think this topic is so interesting and I’m surprised it didn’t have significant results! I would’ve expected more results to relay that social media negatively effects individuals that results in at least body dissatisfaction. I think it was very well done and with a larger sample size I’m sure there will be better and even more significant results.
Well done on this study. Do you think which social media a person is using more could impact the likelihood of negative body image and disordered eating? For example, websites such as Instagram and Facebook which are focused on seeing many different people’s pictures could have a more detrimental effect on body image compared to an app such as snapchat that is more one-on-one personal interactions.
Thank you for presenting on such a relevant topic in today’s society. The impacts of social media on users are becoming more apparent and studies like these bring forth important findings. I was surprised to see non-significant results, but the acknowledgement of the limitations was a strong point in the presentation and I am sure this was impactful in the overall findings!
I really appreciated the topic of your study. I think it’s super relevant in today’s world, especially for the age group you were studying. Social media has changed our lives in so many irrevocable ways. I think talking about body dissatisfaction and disordered eating behaviors is so important because it is not as widely talked about as it should be. I was surprised that you did not find significant results! I think if you had a larger sample size you would have found something significant. It also would be interesting to see a similar study done on the younger generation to see what ways their generation is affecting in a similar or different way than ours.
Your study was great! This is a very interesting topic as social media is so prevalent in our everyday lives. I am quite surprised that your results were not significant seeing that most people have social media and the constant comparisons have adverse effects on individuals’ self-esteem.
I really like the topic of your research. I think it is something very relevant right now. There is a lot of things out there on social media that could play a role in disordered eating behaviors and body dissatisfaction. When you conducted your study was there a specific form of social media you used? or did you guys use different social media apps? I believe that different types of social media would have different effects on eating behaviors and body dissatisfaction.
I really enjoyed your presentation! This is such an important topic, and I am glad you brought attention to it. Social media is very powerful, and I can see how it may influence body dissatisfaction and disordered eating behaviors, especially in younger people. I am surprised that your results were not significant; however, I wonder if having a larger sample size would change anything.
This study was very interesting! I think it might have been more successful showing the correlation between social media and body perception if it were done on a large range of ages.