Department of Psychological Science
University of Mary Washington
Mercer Hall
1301 College Avenue
Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401
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Contact Dr. Mindy Erchull:
Hi Krista! I found your project to be very impressive and I loved the theme. I think you included so much information about self-handicapping and the flow of the infographic works very well. As you go down through the texts, it takes you through a thought process and I thought that was really cool.
Good project! You provide good information and examples. I like that you include the limitations/possible negative consequences of self-handicapping.
I think this information is really important for more people to understand. A lot of people “take the easy way out” by handicapping or engaging in self-fulfilling prophecies, when effort leads to more growth. Having one running example across concepts was a great idea to make everything stick together!
I really enjoyed reading over your infographic. I thought it was eye-catching and loved the colors that you used. I also really liked the flow of it. I think that this should be displayed around schools because I think a lot of students do this but do not know that it is an actual thing or why they do it.