Department of Psychological Science
University of Mary Washington
Mercer Hall
1301 College Avenue
Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401
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This is such an important issue! How many dropouts were there in the study? You mentioned mortality as a possible issue, and it seems very likely that a participant who experienced bullying might not want to revisit it in the survey.
Bummer that you didn’t find significant results! Did you have any issues with restricted range of your BSD variables? I’m wondering if participants who self-select into a study about sexual orientation might have had fewer sexuality-related BSD experiences relative to people who choose not to participate.
This is an interesting and important topic of study! I do agree with your statement; I have seen a lot of hate in the news as well as having friends who are part of the community who are afraid to talk about their experience due to the hate at which society has on this subject. I wonder if you didn’t get significant results because maybe some people in the study didn’t want to speak out or some had experiences but didn’t choose to participate. Your presentation was easy to follow and loved the graphics in which you had. Overall, great job!
I loved that you all brought attention to a very relevant topic!! Since this is such a sensitive topic, it is rarely talked about. I was surprised by the non-significant results! I was definitely expecting there to be a relationship. The results may have changed if the subject came from multiple sexualities.
This is such an important topic! I was surprised at the non-significant result and wonder if maybe having more participants would have changed that. I would be curious to see how this study plays out with a larger sample and participants from different places around the country. Good job!
Thank you so much for conducting this study. Good job! Do you think the time in which you conducted this survey impacted your results? Was it over a holiday, like Thanksgiving? Or like a time when people are not interacting as much?
This is such an important topic that deserves more research, so great job for doing some! I am definitely surprised that you didn’t find significant results, but I’m sure it was just due to lack of power. Great job!
This was such an interesting topic to tackle! It is sad that there was not a significant result, but it actually surprised me as to why it was not significant. I do think that there is a future with this study because of how relevant it is, especially towards the demographic that you used for this study. Great job on this study!
This is actually a unique correlation to look into! This is something I have not even thought about being correlated. You guys looked as a group into whether stress correlated with sexuality. To further this research in the correlational study, you asked your subjects to take three surveys. One having to do with sexuality and the other two on stress, one analyzing using BSD variables. Yet the study resulted in an insignificant correlation between both sexuality and stress. This is something is feel should be highly correlated, this study was seemingly done very well. I feel like within our shifting and modernizing society this would be something to stress about. To think about the background not too long ago where people who identified as queer or homosexual were looked as less than not even a decade ago. It was such an extreme hatred towards the idea of varying sexuality, that it was quite dangerous to even publicly identify as such and still can be to this day. I feel like that is something that would make the correlation between stress and sexuality more severe. Yet I could understand that maybe the survey was not sexuality-oriented stress and rather just overall lifestyle stress that everyone still goes through. Sexuality is one of many issues, like poverty, political, and racial bias could still contribute to the amount of stress. Overall, stress is a spectrum that is hard to solid line define. So what is to say that is the only thing adding to their stress, especially for the people who deal with all four of those issues?